You can get infected with nail fungus in swimming pool, beauty salons, where manicure and pedicure tools are improperly treated. The infection can affect the fingernails and toenails. Unpleasant symptoms - itching, thickening, yellowing of the nail plate - interfere with sports. It is impossible to wear open shoes, which is particularly disturbing in summer. Treating nail fungus with vinegar, unlike the remedies offered by medicine, is much cheaper. If you do not start the disease, you can cope with it within a week.
Features of the use of vinegar from nail fungus on the hands and feet
For those who are going to treat nail fungus in this way, it should be remembered that you should not do it during pregnancy, reduced immunity or large areas. In this case, only a dermatologist will help you. Acetic acid burns the fungus, so it is important to adhere to the proportions given in the recipes. If you have not started the disease, you will quickly get the effect of this method. See what a sore nail looks like in the photo, and it's the same after treatment.
<1_img_centerxx>It is important that there are no cracks and sores on the skin. If the procedures cause discomfort, it is better to stop them and choose another method. During the treatment, it is recommended to treat the shoes and objects that have been in contact with the affected area with vinegar essence. To achieve a quick effect, you need to prepare your legs for the procedures:
- Steam in water.
- Cut or remove the affected part near the nail.
- Remove rough skin from the feet.
Folk remedies for onychomycosis based on vinegar

Treating nail fungus at home with table vinegar will be quick and effective if it is started on time. A neglected situation requires long-term effort. For treatment use baths, compresses and lotions, ointments. It is possible to use essences, wine, apple cider vinegar.
For daily baths, add 100 ml of the finished solution to the water. To make such a healing solution is simple:
- Purchase packages of celandine herb.
- Add a liter of 9% vinegar.
- Resists 30 days.
- Add 4 tablespoons of sea salt.
If the fungus (onychomycosis) has infected the fingernails, then baths with carrot juice, to which an equal amount of vinegar is added, will help. Do them for 20 minutes. The composition of the same parts of sunflower oil and wine vinegar works very well. Duration of the session - 15 minutes. In the treatment of fungus on the feet, lotions are used with a tablespoon of vinegar and four drops of tea tree oil.
Thermal baths
How to treat toenail fungus at home? The baths are great. Do them for 15 minutes a day, until the condition improves. After the procedure, you don't need to rinse and dry your feet. The simplest bath is a solution of 3 liters of water, one liter of apple cider vinegar, with the addition of potassium permanganate. The solution should be pink. A bath with a glass of composition heated to 9% works very well. The legs are kept there until the solution cools.

Effectively treat nail fungus with folk remedies using ointments. It is advisable to apply them morning and evening for a whole week. It is best to do this on a steamed surface. There is an old, proven recipe:
- Pour the vinegar completely over the chicken egg.
- Wait for the shell to dissolve.
- Carefully remove its remains.
- Add 200 grams of ghee, butter.
There is a recipe for an ointment using dimethyl phthalate. This insect exterminator is sold in pharmacies, household items. The ointment is applied at night, the legs are wrapped in cling film, and the socks are put on. Use the composition for no more than 5 days. In the morning, the feet are washed with laundry soap. By prescription:
- Take 2 large spoons of 70% vinegar.
- Add olive oil and glycerin one by one.
- Mix with a spoonful of dimethyl phthalate.
Compresses and lotions
Folk remedies for nail fungus involve the use of compresses and lotions. Keep the tampons soaked in the composition for three hours. If it is not possible to sit up at this time, the lotion is fixed with a bandage. A compress made up of equal parts of vinegar and iodine, with the addition of water, works well. The compress is left overnight. Excellent results are obtained using glycerin lotions. The composition is lubricated with a napkin, applied for 15 minutes, and then replaced with a new one. Mix according to the recipe:
- a large spoonful of glycerin;
- two tablespoons of water;
- 70% vinegar essence - 2 tbsp.
Egg white compresses give excellent results. They are made in the evening, the product is kept for 15 minutes, then replaced by a new towel. The procedure is carried out in a row for a week, then the same break and repeated until healing. To prepare the composition you need to:
- Take 2 large spoons of vinegar.
- Add the same amount of vodka.
- Put the whites of three eggs (can be replaced with a spoonful of glycerin).
- To mix together.
- Store on a refrigerator shelf.
How to cure a neglected fungus with apple cider vinegar
If you started the disease, if you didn't start treating it at the initial stage, you will need to be patient. Treatment of nail fungus with vinegar will take a year. The procedures should be carried out daily until the result is obtained. There are several ways to use the product: compresses, lotions, ointments. Apple cider vinegar not only destroys the fungus, but also nourishes the nail plate and the surrounding skin.
The easiest way is to pour vinegar on the nail without any additives twice a day. You can make lotions from them, but you have to endure them for 3 hours. An effective antifungal agent - a mixture of equal parts vinegar and iodine - is applied to the affected area. Try to make an ointment, lubricate the place of the disease in the morning and in the evening. The prescription must be:
- Grind 100 grams of Kalanchoe.
- Add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar.
- Add 10 grams of honey.
- Complete with 30 grams of eucalyptus oil.
- Store in a twilight cool for three days.
Disease prevention
To prevent the development of nail fungus, you should wear comfortable shoes made from natural breathable materials. Make sure your feet don't start to sweat. Regular foot gymnastics will improve blood circulation and help prevent disease. In addition, to prevent the appearance of a fungus, it is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene:
- Wash your feet every day.
- Wipe them off.
- Change socks every day.
- Use a personal manicure kit.
- Don't wear your own shoes.
- Do not use shared towels.
- In the public baths, the swimming pool, the gym, do not leave without shoes.